Bạn đã biết đến PDF Factory Pro, một chiếc máy in ảo khá hay, khá nổi tiếng nhưng lại là một phần mềm thương mại. Hãy thử với doPDF,sau khi cài đặt một chiếc máy in mang tên doPDF sẽ xuất hiện trong danh sách. Bạn chỉ việc sử dụng như một chiếc máy in bình thường với đầy đủ các chức năng, có thể in với độ phân giải tới 2400 dpi. Kết quả sẽ được xuất ra định dạng PDF và tự động mở với trình đọc PDF mặc định cài sẵn trên máy tính.
Free PDF converter - doPDF7.2
for Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2008/2003/2000 Server (32 and 64-bit)Freeware. Lightweight. No nags.
doPDF is a free PDF converter for both personal and commercial use. Using doPDF you can create PDF files by selecting the "Print" command from virtually any application. With one click you can convert your Microsoft Excel, Word or PowerPoint documents or your emails and favorite web sites to PDF files.Convert to PDF
PDF stands for Portable Document Format and it was created by Adobe to ease document exchange. doPDF is a free PDF creator that does what the name suggests, creates PDF files. Once installed it will allow you to convert any type of printable documents to PDF files. doPDF7.2 installs itself as a virtual PDF printer driver so after a successful installation will appear in your Printers and Faxes list and also in the list of All Programs. Using doPDF you can convert to PDF in two ways:- Print to PDF via the virtual printer driver doPDF. You would do this exactly as you print to a regular printer, just the result will be a PDF file, not a printed piece of paper.
- Using the doPDF Startup window. doPDF has an executable file (accessible from the start program group) that you can run in order to start a conversion wizard.
Print to PDF via the virtual PDF printer, doPDF
Open the document you want to convert (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPad, NotePad or any printable document), choose Print and select doPDF from the list of printers. You will be asked where to save the PDF file and when finished, the PDF will be automatically opened with your default PDF reader. Screenshot below shows how easy it is to create a PDF file from Microsoft Word (word to pdf):Convert to PDF using the doPDF Startup window
Go to Start->Programs->doPDF and click on doPDF to start the conversion wizard. Use the Browse button to select the file you want converted and after that click on Create to convert the document to PDF. Screenshot below shows how easy it is to convert to PDF from Microsoft Word (word to pdf):9 reasons to use this free PDF converter
- It’s simple and fast - you select WHAT document to convert and WHERE to save it and doPDF makes the PDF way before you finish saying supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
- Saves you money - doPDF is a PDF converter free for both commercial/business and personal use. Won't cost you a dime to make PDF files (but we'll love you even more if you upgrade to novaPDF).
- 32-bit and 64-bit support - same setup can be used to install doPDF on both 32 and 64-bit Windows operating systems (and any 32-bit multiple when the time will come).
- Universal - you can convert to PDF any type of printable document (i.e. DOC, XLS, PPT, PUB, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, PUBX, HTML, TXT,...).
- No GhostScript or .NET - doesn’t require 3rd party programs to make PDF files such as GhostScript or runtime environments like the .NET Framework. This makes the setup file to be incredibly small compared to other free PDF creator programs.
- Searchable PDFs - you can search for text within the created PDF file (and search engines will also index the text from the PDF).
- Multi-language - doPDF is the ONLY free pdf maker whose interface is currently available in 33 different languages and has a website translated in 30 languages (and growing, thanks to our translators).
- Barely uses any computer resources - compared to other free PDF creator software, doPDF barely uses any memory or CPU resources when doing the actual conversion to PDF.
- Do your part in saving the planet - instead of consuming paper to print your document, why not create a PDF file out of it and spare a couple of planet-saving trees
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